Saturday 17 November 2012

Smart Tips To Help Combat All The Current Doom & Gloom

Lately with all the doom and gloom worldwide, the Global Financial Crises, The civil unrest that's been taking place it's no wonder why people are feeling a great amount of Anxiety and uncertainty. The reality is no one knows what the future holds and so there really is no point in worrying to much about it. However I think the best way to live at the moment is to live simple, have lots fun and create some new personal goals that you can strive towards achieving them. Do things that make you happy and that will help get your mind off all the negative things happening right now.

Personally I have made the decision to stop watching the News, we all know the news consists mainly of bad headlines, seriously who wants to hear about them anyway? Getting to caught up in the bad stuff can really have a negative impact on your mindset and most times people don't even realize it. The news headlines are usually created using techniques to inflict fear and urgency, most of the time it's not as bad as they are making it out to be, not always the case though.

Here are some of the things that I am going to strive towards and these are the kind of things you do have control over.

  • Smart Wealth Building: The Economy is down right crap at the moment but hey I aint going to let that stop me from building my own wealth. I am following "Scott Pape" he is simply awesome. His my go to money guy, he knows money inside out. He specializes in helping people get wealthy long-term by investing in businesses that have great value and good ethics. Compaines like, AFIC (Australian Foundation Investment Company), Woolworths, Collins foods, Pattys Pastures, Dominos Pizza, BTW and many more.  

  • Emergency Fund: Having an emergency fund of $3000 or more is a great way to sleep better at night knowing that you have some extra money for the Bills etc. that seem to pop up from nowhere sometimes. There is no need to rake up more credit card debt or the need to take out a personal loan because you have $3000 dollars up your sleeve.

  • Become Debt FREE: No one likes debt but yet Australia are up there in regards to credit card purchases resulting in unnecessary debt. Make it your goal to get out of debt for good, seriously you will sleep better at night and a lot of that awful feeling of Anxiety will fade too. I am now living debt free and I made this goal a High Priority and so should you!

  •  Do More Of The Things That Make You Happy: Most people are so caught up with having to work to pay off their Mortgages, credit card and personal loan debt that they simply don't have enough time to have a good time. Again this is why it is important that you make the "Become Debt FREE" goal a priority. Once the debt is gone, you then perhaps can cut down on your work hours just a little so that you can distress more and start having a bit of fun here and there. Perhaps go on a short weekend get away trip. Do more fun things as a family etc. Many different options here.
Thank you to everyone who has read my post, I hope i was able to get across a few good pointers that will help you sleep better at night and ultimately help you stress less. 

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